When deciding how to set your retail price, as a self-published author, you will of course consider what you personally spent to print your book. However, this should not be the only factor in your decision; sometimes you may not consider it at all. A very influential factor in setting the retail price is the genre to which your book belongs. You must price your book competitively based on the other books it will share the market with. Do some research: Go to Amazon's website. Search for books in the same category or subject as your book. See what other books Amazon customers bought based on your search, and compare some prices. Walk into your nearest bookstore and do some additional pricing, but don't just consult the big retail chains. Be sure to go to your local bookstores as well to see what is moving off the shelves and how much those books cost.
For books that required extensive research and include statistics, end notes, charts, graphs, and color images, it is reasonable to set a slightly higher retail price. When determining the pricing for fiction books, the page count is the biggest influence, in addition to trim size. Most trade paperbacks fall between $13.95 to $17.95 in price.
If you want to begin the process of publishing your book, visit our website by clicking on the link above.
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