Sunday, October 28, 2007

If You're Thinking About Getting an SEO Website for your's never too early.

If you've spent any time on our site, you already know how important we believe a search engine optimized website (SEO) is for your overall book marketing strategy. That is especially true, if you plan on doing any online marketing.

When a new website is set up, Google puts them in a holding area before rankings can begin in the indexes of Google. It's called the "Sandbox Effect" and it can take five months to a year for Google to index your site. That is why, it's a smart idea to begin the process as early in the book publishing process as possible.

What we like to do is build at least the homepage for our SEO author websites, put a link to them on the Mill City Press website and let them start aging. So, when the book comes out about 3-4 months later, the site is well on it's way getting out of the Sandbox.

For a site to be indexed by Google, it must first be 1) proven, or deemed by Google as appropriate for ranking; 2) legitimate; and 3) have some action taking place. The first two are accomplished just by building it properly. The last is achieved by getting traffic to your site. Of course Google loves it when that traffic comes through it's Adwords program (those small ads you see on the side of Google pages). Our Online Advertising Programs and Website Exposure Program will help you get the "action" Google demands for your site to be indexed.


nd said...

The key with getting indexed by Google is having them find your new site. You do this by getting someone who is already in the Google index to link to your new site/page. I have personally never had any problems getting a completely new site indexed within a week at the most merely by linking from my blog (, which itself gets scanned by Google almost daily. One caveat to getting noticed is that Google will be much happier and enthusiastic about indexing a site with 15+ pages of content, than it will a single page. Real, valuable content gets indexed much sooner.

Now Google's Page Rank, well that's a whole other kettle of fish, and that can take months to establish. But that is not the most imortant factor in being visible on Google, and seems to become less significant as time goes by.

Unknown said...

Just found your site today while building a new book marketing resource list for authors to post on my blog.

We teach authors to start marketing BEFORE they even start writing their books. While great content is important, no one will beat a path to your door if they don't know you have mousetraps

Warren Whitlock